Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

June 2, 2023

TNFD is adopting an open innovation approach that encourages market participants to support development of the framework. By taking this approach, TNFD hopes to accelerate the framework’s development, source constructive feedback and steadily improve its relevance, usability and effectiveness.

A market-led approach, combined with input from leading science and data bodies, means the TNFD framework is scientifically rigorous and easy to adopt for both businesses and financial institutions. TNFD is not developing a new standard. We are creating an integrated framework that builds on existing standards, metrics and data.

In March 2023, TNFD released the fourth version of its beta framework for market consultation, building on v0.1 released in March 2022, v0.2 released in June 2022 and v0.3 released in November 2022. The release of version v1.0 of the full framework for market adoption will be in September 2023.

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