Scope 3 Emissions: Employee Drive to Work

Climate Change
June 22, 2023

The emissions resulting from employees driving to work generally fall under scope 3 emissions rather than scope 1 emissions. Scope 3 emissions refer to indirect emissions that occur as a consequence of an organization's activities but are not owned or directly controlled by the organization. These emissions are typically generated throughout the value chain, including activities related to suppliers, customers, and employee commuting.

Examples of scope 3 emissions related to employee commuting include:

  1. Employee Commuting: Emissions resulting from employees traveling to and from work, using various modes of transportation, such as personal vehicles, public transportation, or bicycles. This can encompass emissions from fuel consumption, vehicle exhaust, or electricity usage for electric vehicles.

It's important to note that while organizations may not have direct control over their employees' commuting choices, they can still influence and encourage more sustainable commuting practices through initiatives like carpooling programs, incentives for public transportation, or promoting remote work options. Many organizations include scope 3 emissions in their sustainability reporting to gain a comprehensive understanding of their overall carbon footprint and identify opportunities for emissions reduction throughout their value chain.

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