Integrated Assessment Models

Risk Assessment
April 19, 2023

Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are mathematical models that are used to study the interactions between the climate, the economy, and society. IAMs are used to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the economy, and to develop policies to mitigate climate change.

IAMs are complex models that require a lot of data and computing power. They are also constantly being updated as new information becomes available. However, IAMs are a valuable tool for policymakers and scientists who are working to address climate change.

Here are some of the key features of IAMs:

  • They are integrated models, which means that they consider the interactions between the climate, the economy, and society.
  • They are quantitative models, which means that they use mathematical equations to represent the real world.
  • They are dynamic models, which means that they can be used to simulate the evolution of the climate, the economy, and society over time.
  • They are uncertain models, which means that they are subject to a variety of uncertainties, such as the future rate of economic growth, the development of new technologies, and the impact of climate change on human health and well-being.

IAMs are used to study a wide range of issues related to climate change, including:

  • The potential impacts of climate change on the economy.
  • The costs and benefits of different climate change mitigation policies.
  • The feasibility of achieving different climate change targets.
  • The distributional impacts of climate change.

IAMs are a valuable tool for policymakers and scientists who are working to address climate change. They provide a way to assess the potential impacts of climate change, and to develop policies to mitigate climate change.

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