April 2, 2024

CDP, which was established as the "Carbon Disclosure Project," is a non-profit organization that works to help businesses and governments disclose and manage their environmental impacts, with a focus on climate change. CDP was founded in 2000 in the United Kingdom and has since grown into a global organization with offices in 19 cities, including London, New York, and Beijing.

CDP's mission is to provide a platform for companies and governments to measure, disclose, and manage their environmental data, with the aim of driving sustainable economies. CDP's annual disclosure process enables investors, companies, and cities to assess and address their environmental risks and opportunities, and to take action to reduce their carbon emissions and improve their sustainability performance.

CDP collects data on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change risks and opportunities, water security, and deforestation, and provides this data to investors, companies, and cities to help inform their decision-making and drive action on climate change and sustainability. CDP's work has helped to drive the adoption of sustainable practices and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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